Civil Software Flipbooks

Trimble Quantm Brochure

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TRANSFORMING THE WAY THE WORLD WORKS Sustainable construction projects v Carbon Dioxide Emissions Overview v View daily traffic flow and average speed v Environmental impact on fuel consumption v Noise analysis Work with cost and CO2 estimate from day one Forecast CO2 emissions that will be produced by traffic using the new infrastructure, enabling major construc- tion projects to evaluate millions of alternatives to understand the viability and to optimize the tradeoffs between cost, traffic, CO2 impact of construction, and the long term CO2 impact of operating the infrastruc- ture. Ensure socioeconomic benefits and environmental constraints Apply manually or import an editable cost and CO2 library for moving materials, geology, cross section template materials, bridges, tunnel, retaining walls, culverts, linear cost or area cost. Reduce financial risk and project viability with alterna- tive alignment transparency. Enable alignment comparison and cost summary for each design alternative. CREATE PROJECT SCOPING Quadri Quantm Novapoint, Tekla, Tilos, Quadri, Connect & SiteVision FEASIBILITY OPTIMIZATION VISUALIZE DESIGN CO 2 " Analysis and Management Tool Not only do we save time and money, we always have a more complete route plan. - Tim Belliveau, Transportation Engineer, Stantec Create a project Import existing situation - Collab- orate real time on latest dataset with software connec- tors Identify alternative corridor options, with terrain, costs, geometry and feature data like environmental constraints. Help with decision-mak- ing and evaluation Validate alternative corridors, quickly identify viable route concepts with detailed information Evaluate and fine-tune con- struction alternatives, reduces CO2 and create a optimized time distance plan for planning and construction Effectively design all aspects of modern roads, railways, tunnels, bridges, water and sewer Visualize design on web, at site or at smart- phone. View 3D georeferenced models in true- to-life scale above and below ground

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