Civil Software Flipbooks

Trimble Quantm Brochure

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TRANSFORMING THE WAY THE WORLD WORKS Automate the Process Quantm explores and analyzes millions of alternative routes and returns a range of options to the planning team for consideration. Unlike the traditional manu- al process, Quantm uses algorithms combined with professional domain knowledge to evaluate all possible route alternatives. This modern approach, quickly visu- alizes all reasonable concepts and preliminary design options have been investigated as required by planning legislation and financial managers. Reduce Planning Time When planners are working on finding the optimal cor- ridor or alignment, manual and subjective methods are usually applied. With Quantm everything is done in one single analysis. Planners can organize and analyze the existing situation, design standards, terrain, geological, and hydrological data, environmental areas and prop- erty ownership. By combining GIS data, unit costs, and geometric parameters, Quantm takes care of all data factors being calculated in a simultaneous optimization process. Connected Construction Optimized for early phase construction projects Connect all the elements of the construction projects and exchange data in real-time among all stakeholders from engineers, project managers to project owners. With integrations to a common data environment and other con- struction software tools makes your construction project workflow quicker and smarter. These benefits provide faster project completion, improved project management and lower overall project costs. v Increased productivity v Higher quality v Increased safety v Lower costs Apply a range of specific project rules and constraints Define multiple project criterias and integrate them into the algorithm optimization process. Import a large amount of iterative data to generate a rich context model, seamlessly integrate design parameters, geometry, GIS data with geospatial, environmental and cultural constraints. Flexible for Infrastructure Projects v Railway v High speed rail v Carriageway v Highways v Small roads projects v Transportation routes and haul roads v Wind farm projects " Not Possible Manually In a few hours, Quantm can find hundreds of line options, which of course is impossi- ble manually. The tool has been of great help, not least also to eliminate alternatives and to bring forward alternatives that otherwise would not have been thought of. It is very effective. - Lars Kastet, Road Engineer, Asplan Viak

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