B2W Flipbooks

Digitizing for a Holistic Approach to Safety

Issue link: https://construction.trimble.com/en/resources/i/1520111

Contents of this Issue


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1 Working in the construction industry comes with its fair share of risks: roughly 20% of all worker deaths occur at construction job sites. The number one cause of these fatalities is falling, followed by being struck by an object, electrocution and getting caught/compressed between two objects. If we could eliminate these "Fatal Four", over 600 lives in the United States alone could be saved – but how can we ensure that safety programs are implemented and construction workers are compliant? Emerging technologies are providing tools to digitize and improve safety programs, from sensors that monitor noise levels, airborne particulates and other health risks, to smart vests that determine if you are bending at your waist instead of your knees. These gadgets help intervene before the moment of risk to help keep workers injury-free, but did you realize that even your paper forms can compromise your safety? They are ineffective for collecting and sharing information, causing you to spend time and money entering and formatting data instead of understanding what's happening within your business. A mobile-first solution for data capture and analysis will help ensure compliance at every step of your safety program. A holistic safety program takes a three-pronged approach so that nothing falls through the cracks: 1. Safety Education – Empower your workforce with the knowledge to eliminate risk. 2. Inspections – Eliminate hazards before they arise. 3. Response – Well-defined accident response plans in the event that an incident occurs. 2 Education: Safety Education 3 Prevention: Inspections 4 Response: Accident Response Plans 6 Conclusion CONTENTS

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