B2W Flipbooks

Digitizing for a Holistic Approach to Safety

Issue link: https://construction.trimble.com/en/resources/i/1520111

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4 Fatal Non-fatal Response Accident Response Plans While a holistic safety program aims to keep your jobsite risk-free, accidents do happen. Having processes in place to address incidents as they occur is crucial to minimizing response time and making improvements so the issue doesn't arise again. However, if your response procedure is built around paper and manual processes, it leaves gaps at each stage for errors to take place and delays the overall resolution time. When an incident occurs on a jobsite that is reliant on paper forms and manual communication, someone must be responsible for notifying all necessary parties of the accident. However, what if the right telephone number can't be found, or someone's voicemail inbox is full? If paper forms are used to document the events leading up to and including the incident, are they easily located? Do you have to dig through various filing cabinets in the job trailer just to find them? How can you ensure each field is completed, and written legibly? Transporting the forms over to the office can also be an issue. Someone may forget they have them, or they could just never land in the right hands once they get there. If the form never gets filed, how can corrective action take place? The same accident could happen again because the series of events was not reviewed by the appropriate people. However, if an electronic mobile process is in place, these problems can be avoided entirely. As soon as an accident occurs, an incident-driven alert can be pushed out to notify all the right people at one time. The correct incident report can be pulled up electronically on a tablet in the field and submitted directly to the office. 3 THE ESTIMATED TOTAL COSTS OF CONSTRUCTION INJURIES IN THE U.S. THE COST Incidents at the Jobsite 60% 40% $13 BILLION

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