B2W Flipbooks

Digitizing for a Holistic Approach to Safety

Issue link: https://construction.trimble.com/en/resources/i/1520111

Contents of this Issue


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5 Continuous Improvement Data Analytics Capturing incident data electronically in one place allows for detailed analysis to spot trends and gaps within your safety program over time. Perhaps an employee wouldn't have needed stitches in his hand if there was more emphasis on the Personal Protective Equipment – Hand Protection from Cuts/Scrapes Toolbox Talk. Seeing real-time data across all of your projects highlights that these incidents may be on the rise. This kind of information makes you aware that the Education component of your safety program needs to be reinforced. If you consistently experience falls at your jobs, you may need to adjust your inspection process to require additional guard rails or other safety barriers. Tracking all of this information in safety analytics dashboards easily help you decide what corrective action to take to ensure incidents don't happen again. By monitoring these dashboards on a consistent basis, companies can evaluate and evolve each component of their safety program through data-driven decisions. 5

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