B2W Flipbooks

Bacco Construction Finds B2W Easy to Implement and Use

Issue link: https://construction.trimble.com/en/resources/i/1520020

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CASE STUDY BACCO CONSTRUCTION "B2W Software was absolutely the right choice for us," summarizes John Fortier, president of Bacco Construction Company. Founded in 1915 in Iron Mountain, Michigan, the company has been prequalified with the Michigan DOT for over 70 years, making it the state's oldest prequalified contractor. Bacco provides a wide array of services to all of Michigan and Wisconsin, including paving, concrete, grading, sitework and underground utility work. Prior to switching to B2W Software, Bacco Construction had used Hard Dollar (now InEight) estimating and bidding software for more than a decade but had grown increasingly unhappy with the direction of the company and the product. "It was our feeling that the estimating function was being put on the back burner, while the company prioritized their efforts in a different direction," explains Fortier. "We submitted multiple requests for enhancement, which were ignored. We were never able to export an estimating file into our accounting software. And the reporting functions were inadequate. We needed another third-party software to handle our field reporting." Bacco Construction researched several solutions, and was impressed by the features and capabilities of B2W Estimate. The company was also looking for a field tracking and analysis solution that would integrate seamlessly and enable instant cost feedback in the field. The choice was B2W Track. "Obviously, after a 13-plus year investment of time and money into a software as important to us as estimating, a switch like this was a radical move," according to Fortier. "B2W Software had a better way of doing things. Implementation was easy and we went live a month earlier than we anticipated." • Headquarters: Iron Mountain, Michigan • Work Types: Roads and Highways, Bridges, Paving, Underground Construction, Concrete, Industrial Construction • Elements: Estimate, Track • Client Since: 2010 Formerly...

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