B2W Flipbooks

B2W Training: Learn More About Online Options

Issue link: https://construction.trimble.com/en/resources/i/1520019

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B2W Software offers a full range of online training options presented by a live trainer as an alternative or a complement to in-person sessions. The web-based classes give companies starting out with B2W as well as experienced B2W users scheduling flexibility and a better ability to fit training in without disrupting day-to-day responsibilities. Online Training Advantages Live Instructor Led B2W online training is led by a live presenter – just like in-person training. These are not pre-recorded sessions. Customized Content Instead of just trying to deliver the in-person training curriculum online, B2W has tailored the session, content, pace and delivery style to work best in and online environment. Online or in-person, B2W users also train using their own databases. Proven Dozens of companies have successfully gone live with B2W Software over just the past year with online training sessions only. Scheduling Flexibility Finding time to schedule online training can be easier for many companies, and the sessions require them to set aside less continuous time. Shorter Sessions B2W delivers online training in 90-minute or two-hour blocks. Many users find that spacing training out over a longer timeframe increases knowledge retention and allows them to experiment with the software between sessions. Post-training Support All initial online training for new B2W customers includes follow-up hours. This gives users the opportunity to address any issues or questions that come up after they begin using the software. Remote Access Employees can log in from home, or from multiple offices or home locations simultaneously for online training. B2W Software ONLINE TRAINING 1120 Breaking up the training into shorter sessions helped with our workload. We weren't pulled away from managing our everyday work for too long. We also had time in between the sessions or at night to go in and experiment a little with the software, test what we had learned, and come back to the next sessions with any questions or roadblocks that we ran into. Chris Byers Bryant's Land and Development Two-hour blocks per session were a good length that kept the users engaged throughout. The B2W trainer did a good job catering to the variety of experience levels among our seven attendees. Christina Conaway Serco Construction Group

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