ProjectSight Flipbooks

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Construction Project Management Software

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ProjectSight - The Ul mate Guide to Choosing the Right Construc on Project Management So ware March 2020 // Version 01 Essen al Project Management Features Not all systems are created equal in each aspect. Hence, you will always have to compromise on certain features. However, it's more to get the best blend of all features than to achieve perfec on. Real-Time Updates You need to always be in the loop of what's happening with your project. Any progress, setbacks, developments, and addi ons should be delivered to you immediately. This not only allows for be er appropria on of funds, but also for a realis c es mate of project comple on me. Simple Repor ng Tools Simple repor ng tools should be featured in the so ware that allow for be er communica on between par es. Produc vity will increase considerably if repor ng tools are made more efficient and easy-to-use. 24/7 Accessibility Access to the important data in a construc on project is the key to comple ng it. Connec ng to the project regardless of your geographical loca on is a very important part of effec ve communica on. You never know what minor detail can change the course of a project or cause a massive loss. Hence, on-site and off-site access to cri cal informa on is essen al for all the par es involved. Choosing the Right Construc on Project Management So ware

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