ProjectSight Flipbooks

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Construction Project Management Software

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ProjectSight - The Ul mate Guide to Choosing the Right Construc on Project Management So ware March 2020 // Version 01 Customer Support 24/7 customer support is essen al even if it requires higher er billing. Any possible problems that might spring up during the project have to be solved to deliver on the deadline. Some mes, a minor problem can be the difference between success and failure in a project. At mes, cri cally working on a project requires troubleshoo ng a persistent bug or figuring out a tricky feature. This is why you should only go for the construc on management so ware that employs highly skilled staffers with in-depth knowledge. Yes, having scripts for common solu ons is fine. However, you shouldn't just be looking for customer support, but tech support in this regard. Expert so ware engineers and programmers should be at your disposal to solve cri cal problems at a moment's no ce. Tracking Issues At mes, it may be impossible to solve problems at a moment's no ce, no ma er how good the support is. In that case, the so ware in place should have an issue tracking feature. This feature should document the various issues that have hindered the project for the stakeholders to follow up. In any case, this will allow a business to save face, or give an objec vely unbiased reason progress was stalled. Gan Charts Gan Charts provide for an overview of the project in visual form. This is part of the scheduling and planning of the project. Visual cues are much easier to absorb by people than black and white text. Hence, a visual representa on of the project's progress will be much more valuable to stakeholders and project managers. They will be able to see exactly which elements are lacking and which areas of the project are lagging behind. They will also be able to see the most successful areas of the project so far, and which need support.

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