ProjectSight Flipbooks

Secret Best Practices of Highly Efficent Project Teams: Contractor Edition

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02 Of particular value, best-in-class organizations are in the habit of establishing and measuring leading indicators of their performance. Simply put, they take a proactive leadership problem- solving approach, not a reactive approach. If you're unsure whether you're a proactive or reactive leader, ask yourself the following questions: > Are my projects consistently over budget and/or late? > Does my unofficial job description include "firefighter" or "problem-solver"? > Do I regularly receive emails marked "urgent" or written with CAPITAL LETTERS? > Do I start the day with great intentions, only to get derailed by 10:00 a.m.? > Do most of my project performance reports focus on last month's data? > Are there high volumes of RFIs? > Do I get surprised by change orders? > Do I use contingency funds early and often? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are likely making at least a few reactive decisions. BE PROACTIVE Page 3

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