Civil Software Flipbooks

Trimble Civil Drawing Brochure

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TRANSFORMING THE WAY THE WORLD WORKS Trimble Drawing Trimble Drawing is a cost effective and easy to use CAD engine that is optimised to support model-based workflows from/to the 2D and 3D CAD environment. It includes all the necessary CAD tools needed for infrastructure design, and supports the full range of Novapoint domain applications. Produce plan, profile and cross section drawings directly from your Quadri model for your domain. CAD and Quadri Work seamlessly between CAD and your Quadri model based environments. Add value to your model using 2D and 3D CAD functions. Produce 2D and 3D draw- ings directly into the CAD environment with all the necessary CAD functions to enhance the result. Trimble Drawing is an easy to use CAD Software; little or no training required for existing Novapoint users. It provides all the 2D and 3D CAD features you need for drawing functionality and also supports all the Novapoint domain applications. Trimble Drawing is sold as a named user license using Trimble ID for authentication, the same as for Quadri and Novapoint IDS. Your selected Novapoint application can be started from inside Trimble Draw- ing. Quadri, Novapoint and Trimble Drawing provide a com- plete solution for infrastructure design and drawing production from early design through the construc- tion phase and providing an as build model for the maintenance phase. Trimble Drawing is based on technology from the world leading CAD software house, Graebert AGB, an innovation leader for open DWG-editing. © 2022, Trimble Inc. All rights reserved. Trimble and the Globe & Triangle, are trademarks of Trimble Inc., registered in the United States and other countries. Trimble Solutions Sandvika Leif Tronstads plass 4 1337 Sandvika, Norway +47 67 81 70 00 Trimble 10368 Westmoor Drive Westminster, Colorado 80021 USA 800-361-1249 (Toll Free) +1-937-245-5154 Phone For more information: MAI 2022

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