Civil Software Flipbooks

Quadri Guidebook - a Collaboration Platform for Infrastructure Projects

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Value Description Quadri Quadri - your Common Data Environment Platform Quadri is a collaboration platform for infrastructure projects. It allows real-time collaboration in a central model, where you keep track of changes and access the model from anywhere, at any time and in any project, using your favourite design tool. With Quadri you are in a multiuser & model environment where you can collaborate seamlessly across company, domains and international borders and across geographical locations. This Common Data Environment gives you access to different information across the participants in a project. The GIS world has taught us how to map the world in a unified way and how to describe the relation between real-world objects. With Quadri we combine the power and knowledge of GIS with the geometric complexity of volume objects from CAD/BIM needed for construction. When information is stored in a unified and structured, ISO standard based way as in Quadri - multiple stakeholders can run their information take off: extracting volumes and export to open formats like IFC/LandXML based on geographical location. For a contractor this means extracting the last version of all constructible data, from one platform and in a unified way. Lifecycle management of infrastructure assets requires a strong ISO standard based data model and a transportation network technology as it's backbone. This is another one of the unique strengths of Quadri - bringing designers, owners and contractors together in one platform. Quadri platform and workflow Quadri acts as a core model production platform, where users may use design applications from different vendors, collaborating by continuously sharing models in a multi-user BIM environment. To get data from Quadri to the design software, you select or make a query for the needed data. The data you need are reference data for your design. The reference data you get, are result data from other softwares. You create your design in your software, which then will be located correctly based on the reference data. When you have finished your design, you send back the resulting data to Quadri in order to see your design in the context of the entire project. When you do changes in your design later on in the project - queries will help you get the latest version of reference data. You can also import & export data using open file formats like IFC, LandXML, GML or native files from different softwares. 2 Trimble Solutions Sandvika AS | Leif Tronstads plass 4 | 1337 Sandvika | +47 67 81 70 00 |

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