Civil Software Flipbooks

Quadri | Collaborate, Design and Construct with Confidence

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" " TRANSFORMING THE WAY THE WORLD WORKS CIVIL ENGINEERS With Quadri's BIM collaboration platform, you can optimize the design process between domains, in a multiuser environment, delivering a construction ready design, built with confidence. I have saved 1 hour of work every day since we started with Quadri. That's SEK 200,000 a year - calculated only from my time savings. Atkins PROJECT OWNERS Quadri gives you increased efficien- cy, transparency and traceability throughout all project phases, making sure you feel close to the progress of the engineering and construction work on your projects. Model based design leads to less interdisciplinary conflicts in the design phase. Consequently also significantly fewer mistakes and rework on the construction site. The 3D model will be reused and utilized in all phases, also by the contractors. The goal is that the efficiency will lead to substantial savings and better quality in all areas. Kristin Lysebo BIM Manager, Norwegian Rail Administration " CONTRACTORS With Quadri, the next big project, the next big win - is in your grasp. Trimble provides every contractor with the confidence to get the job done right, on time and under budget - with a central, trusted data source, to assure they always have access to the latest, con- structible model data. When using a shared model, like Quadri, everyone can see what is going to be built in 3D and everyone also can see the benefits of having a correct model from the start of the projects. Henrik Sjöman BIM-manager, Veidekke

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