Civil Software Flipbooks

Novapoint Trimble Civil Engineering Design Brochure

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Novapoint is part of the Trimble Connected Construction portfolio that represents an unmatched set of professional software- and hardware solutions leading the industry´s continuous quest to increase efficiency – digital solutions for optimizing concept and detailed design, scheduling and project management, as well as solutions for operating and maintaining the infrastructure. Together, these solutions constitute an ecosystem that optimizes work-processes in all phases of a construction project. With a focus on facilitating the continuous flow of BIM between the office and the field, and a forward-thinking portfolio of solutions and services, Trimble empowers the industry to plan, design and construct with digital confidence, giving owners, engineers and contractors more control over their investment. TRIMBLE CONNECTED CONSTRUCTION © 2022, Trimble Inc. All rights reserved. Trimble and the Globe & Triangle, are trademarks of Trimble Inc., registered in the United States and other countries. Trimble Solutions Sandvika Leif Tronstads plass 4 1337 Sandvika, Norway +47 67 81 70 00 Trimble 10368 Westmoor Drive Westminster, Colorado 80021 USA 800-361-1249 (Toll Free) +1-937-245-5154 Phone TRANSFORMING THE WAY THE WORLD WORKS For more information: MAY 2022

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