B2W Flipbooks

Maintenance Management Software Guide

Issue link: https://construction.trimble.com/en/resources/i/1520115

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C O M PA NY REV E N U E LET'S TALK | Call (800) 336.3808 or visit www.b2wsoftware.com A BIG OPPORTUNITY TO BOOST PROFITABILITY BY DECREASING YOUR MAINTENANCE COSTS INTRODUCTION Not much gets done in construction without equipment. Keeping increasingly sophisticated assets on the job, maximizing their lifespan and minimizing cost of ownership are critical to profitability and command a substantial chunk of every operating budget. The most effective enterprises hold maintenance costs to around five percent of revenue. Some spend ten percent, fifteen percent or more. For others, maintenance is a "black hole". Reactive approaches and a lack of standardized processes and controls make it impossible to calculate actual costs or to make informed decisions. With so much financial risk and reward riding on maintenance and repairs – and with the technology available to assist in the process advancing rapidly – many companies are exploring options to set aside their paper- and spreadsheet-based systems. This guide looks at what to consider when evaluating specialized Maintenance Management Programs, what you can expect to achieve from a software-based solution, and how to avoid common implementation challenges. 15 % 5 % Total maintenance costs, including overhead, for construction companies range from 5% of revenue to more than 15% of revenue for companies with reactive, inefficient processes. NOT GREAT EXTRAORDINARY Percent of Total Maintenance Costs 4

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