B2W Flipbooks

The Ultimate Guide to Heavy Construction Software

Issue link: https://construction.trimble.com/en/resources/i/1520114

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Page 8 of 21

09 GETTING BUY-IN CURRENT AND FUTURE EMPLOYEES A big reason many construction companies hesitate to invest in software is the expected push back. Owners and managers often look at "old school" employees unfamiliar with computers and entrenched in "the way we've always done it" and perceive a barrier that's just too big to overcome. Fortunately, when they choose software designed specifically for construction workers and a construction environment, they are pleasantly surprised by how short the learning curve is and how quickly it is embraced. The critical questions to ask in the selection process are: • Is it easy to learn and intuitive to use, even for people with little or no computer skills? • Will it give employees the added satisfaction of being able to do their jobs better in a relatively short amount of time? Appealing to the Next Generation Attracting younger employees with high skill levels is a challenge across the construction industry. Computers and software are second nature to these workers. They were raised with them and they know the advantages. They also expect to work with the latest and best software available in order to excel and advance their careers. As contractors compete for these employees, the ones that can meet those expectations have a major advantage.

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