B2W Flipbooks

Establishing An Effective Fleet Numbering System

Issue link: https://construction.trimble.com/en/resources/i/1520107

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4 Resources B2W MAINTAIN is able to implement a fleet numbering system based on the Company Business Unit, Category, Type and Unit structure shown in Figure 1. All fields other than Category are entered in the New Equipment setup screen as shown in Figure 2, where the user is able to enter: Details and examples of possible entries into these fields are given in the Methodology section of this document. 1 A free-form description of the unit 2 The Unit ID number that uniquely identifies the asset 3 The Business Unit 4 The equipment Type FIGURE 2 QUICK TIP The Category field in B2W MAINTAIN is not exposed in the Equipment Module but is tied to the equipment Type. Categories are set up in the back end under Setup > Categories > Equipment Category. Company Business Unit Type Category Unit Description Business Unit Business Unit Type Type Category Category Unit Unit Description Description

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