B2W Flipbooks

Designing a Cost Code Structure for Heavy Construction

Issue link: https://construction.trimble.com/en/resources/i/1520103

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Page 6 of 8

Implementation Tips Some contractors opt for a gradual "soft" start. They roll out new cost codes to one crew or division at a time or give field personnel the option of using old and new systems simultaneously over a period of weeks or months so they can get comfortable with the new codes. This approach seems sensible, but it can backfire. Maintaining two systems for a period of time can lead to errors, uncertainty and extra work. Given the easy option, field personnel may also stick with the old system they are familiar and comfortable with for as long as possible and delay embracing the new codes. Assuming that previous steps for envisioning and creating an effective code structure have been met, it's almost always better to establish and stick to a hard "go live" date. Companies that start with a basic level of detail and then expand the volume of codes as needed over time are also in a better position to succeed with this method. Examples The following pages include some examples of various cost code structures for heavy construction. 7

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