B2W Flipbooks

Griffith Company Realizes ROI and Greater Productivity

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CONTACT US B2W Software empowers heavy civil construction companies to win more work and complete it more profitably. The ONE Platform connects resources, workflows and data and supports unified elements to manage estimating, scheduling, field tracking, equipment maintenance and safety. b2wsoftware.com (800) 336-3808 0322 Copyright © B2W Software Inc. 1993-2022 All Rights Reserved "B2W Track brings us to a place where we can get real-time productivity info, without getting out a yellow pad or dealing with unwieldy spreadsheets. We're cutting out mistakes and double entry, increasing our productivity both in the office and the field." "Our field engineers want to know where they are cost-wise, they like being able to instantly get that feedback. When they enter in their time, production and quantities for the day, they immediately get a report—did we make money, or did we lose money." Partnership "At every level, B2W Software demonstrates a commitment to making their clients successful. From initial training right through to grizzled veterans calling in with questions after having used the software for a period of time. The 24-hour/365-day support is not just available—it is professional, friendly and thoroughly knowledgeable." "The bullet proof, 'Johnny on the spot' support is without peer for ANY software."

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