B2W Flipbooks

Bituminous Roadways Standardizes Bids & Field Tracking

Issue link: https://construction.trimble.com/en/resources/i/1520023

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0415 Copyright © B2W Software Inc. 1993-2015 All Rights Reserved and analysis solution, they knew exactly who to turn to. The company had been using pencil and paper for too long. They knew that they needed to clean up the paper trail and find a solution that would improve their cost tracking ability. B2W Track was exactly what the company was looking for. Baseline estimating information from Estimate is transferred seamlessly, allowing tracking of reported production quantities, labor hours, equipment hours and material quantities against estimated values. Accounting personnel can also transfer reported hours quickly and easily to their Maxwell Systems StreetSmart system. "We no longer have field logs that are missing or lost in the intercompany mail," explains Johnson. "The ability to track our production rates in real time and to be able to incorporate that data into our bids going out the door is priceless." CONTACT US Founded in 1993, B2W Software, Inc. is a leading provider of enterprise-level construction management solutions for the heavy construction industry. For more information, visit www.b2wsoftware.com or contact B2W Software Sales at (800) 336-3808. MN Twins Target Field Aggregate Drainage System: In addition to paving the surface parking lots, BR also was hired to install the pea rock aggregate drainage system under the turf inside the stadium. The Crosstown project was a joint venture of Ames, Shafer, and Lunda Construction companies. BR was selected to install the 140,000 tons consisting of 8 different types of asphalt mixes being paved over a 5 year period. THE B2W SOFTWARE ADVANTAGE Designed and built on the ONE (Operational Networked Elements) platform, B2W is the first and only suite of construction management solutions that puts everyone in your company—from managers in the office to foremen in the field—on the same page at the same time. Separately or as one unified suite, B2W Estimate (estimating & bidding), B2W Track (field tracking & analysis), B2W Dispatch (resource management & dispatching) and B2W Maintain (equipment maintenance & repair management) offer: • Increased operational efficiencies and accuracy for more profitable jobs • One operational database for single point data entry that enables instant cross module resource visibility and collaboration • Operational control through real-time dashboards with easy drill downs • Comprehensive integration with all major accounting software packages • Advanced capabilities between the field and the office via tablet application • Intuitive user interface for streamlined estimating, bidding, logistics, field operations and maintenance

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