B2W Flipbooks

Barriere Construction Replaces Paper Forms with B2W Inform

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Copyright © B2W Software Inc. 1993-2017 All Rights Reserved 0627 Operators at Barriere now pull up the right form on an iPad or smart phone, complete it quickly and submit it instantly. "Before, you would give them a piece of paper and wait two or three weeks to get it back," recalls Tucker. "Getting inspection and audit forms instantaneously in a digital format with Inform has really been a game changer," adds Brett Todd, Resource Operations Center manager. "We can create work orders right away and have been able to cut the days-to-complete timeframe from two or three weeks to less than a week, on average." Todd says replacing generic paper forms with custom tailored electronic forms has also paid dividends, speeding up the inspection process for operators, and giving his team specific information about each particular piece of equipment. Including photos has been a major benefit. "We move those photos from the digital inspection form to the work order, and now the mechanic sees exactly what the operator or the foreman saw in the field," he explains. Barriere has also adopted B2W Inform for its safety program. Paper forms for Monday morning toolbox talks were previously mailed to foremen. As in the inspection process, those forms had to get to a foreman, a superintendent, a truck and the office to be re-keyed into a system. The lag time often exceeded two weeks. "Now, I pull the toolbox talk up on my iPad, present the topic, have my crew sign electronically, and it's submitted to the office by 7:00 a.m.," explains concrete foreman Tino Rodriguez. "There is no opportunity for errors, delays, lost paperwork or anything of that nature." B2W Inform has replaced paper based processes in several other areas at Barriere. The company expects to expand the electronic data capture analysis solution to additional safety, human resource, evaluation, and training workflows where paper forms are currently used. Easy and Imperative "User friendly with B2W is pretty much five out of five stars," says Rodriguez. "It's very easy to teach and very easy to learn, even for my employees that are not that tech savvy." Wahden agrees, noting the company typically gets successful buy-in when employees can see right away that a software solution like B2W Inform is going to make their jobs easier and processes more efficient. Wahden contends any medium or large construction business that wants to grow must invest in software that moves data between the field and office faster than all-too-familiar processes dependent on paper, people and pickup trucks. "The need for information on a real-time basis is extremely important to manage the changing conditions day to day out in the field," he concludes. "With Inform, we're collecting data in the field the way we want to collect it, bringing it into one structured system, analyzing it getting it into the hands of our managers immediately as valuable business intelligence. CONTACT US B2W Software empowers and inspires heavy civil construction companies to win more work and complete it more profitably. The company's ONE Platform includes unified applications to manage estimating, scheduling, field tracking, equipment maintenance, data capture and business intelligence. b2wsoftware.com • (800) 336-3808 Headquarters: • Metairie, Louisiana Work Types: • Asphalt and Concrete Paving • Heavy Civil Construction • Industrial Construction

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